NYC Career Coach | Career Transition Expert

"Discover Alternative Job & Career Options That You Will Enjoy, Excel In, and Pay You Well... In As Fast As 2 Weeks"

NYC Career Coach & Career Counselor... Specializing in Career Clarity & Career Changes

I have two quick questions for you:

  • Do you want to discover the best job options and career choice for you? 
  • Do you want a proven action plan to help you make your career transition?

If so, you're on the right page.

I invite you to keep reading because I am going to tell you how you can quickly identify alternative jobs and career options in NYC that you will look forward going to each morning.

Over the past 12 years, more than 5,000 people have used my strategies to discover exciting new job & career options for them and support their career transitions.

Now it can be your turn...

Five Strategies to Identify & Transition To Your Ideal Job & Career in NYC

Strategy 1: Be Genuinely Inspired

Many people "push" themselves to succeed at work.

Pushing works well for some people... usually for a limited period of time.

But when we keep running into a big obstacle at work - or a series of small ones - it takes a LOT of pushing to get past them.

... That can be exhausting.

That's why pushing ourselves at a job is typically a recipe for frustration and unhappiness.

Wouldn't it be easier - and better - if we feel pulled forward effortlessly to our sucess at work?

There are natural pulls in your life - things that genuinely inspire you, increase your energy, and empower you to be your best.

When you choose a new career that aligns the natural pulls in your life... and you'll create a "vacuum effect" that pulls you forward in your career effortlessly.

You'll have much more satisfation and motivation at work... and in your personal life too. You'll be more creative. You'll feel more fulfilled. And you'll be more successful.

Strategy 2: Put Your Personal Strengths and Innate Talents to Work

As a career coach and career counselor in New York City with more than a decade of experience coaching people who are changing careers...

... I've seen many talented people fall into the trap of worrying about their weaknesses and lack of 'required' skills and experience.

This is a form of damage control that can prevent failure.

But placing too much focus on our weaknesses and gaps increases self-doubt, saps our energy, and keeps us stuck in the wrong place.

While you don't want to ignore your weaknesses, in your search to discover the right new career for you, focus your attention on what will get you ahead - your best skills, natural talents and interests... 

... and discover the exciting job and career options that use them frequently.

Strategy 3: Discover Alternative Job & Career Options That Are A Great Fit For You

Most people wanting to change careers have no clue of the best job and career options for them.

The often waste months and years reading online articles and career books, taking computerized assessments, and spending money on useless courses...

... somehow hoping they will discover a career they will enjoy, excel in and pay them well.

It frustrates me when I see smart people banging their head on the wall to figure out the best alternative jobs and careers for them..

... because I know most career recommendations they will get from people, books and assessments are based on what they are doing now.

If you want to discover NEW and DIFFERENT career options, you have to do something different.

The good news is that there really is an easy and effective way to identify the best job and career options for your skills, interests and personality...

... Talk to someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of professional jobs and careers... who can pinpoint specific options that match your interests, skills, natural abilities and personality.

If you don't have someone in your inner circle who can do this for you... and you'd like to set up a free phone consultation to discuss how I can help you to quickly discover exciting job and career ideas for you, please click here.

Strategy 4: Eliminate What Stops You From Transititioning To A Great New Job & Career

To change a new career faster and with less struggle...

... recognize what holds you back from identifying and landing the right new job job and career for you... and develop effective strategies to get past them.

But here's a crucial tip...

As a NYC career coach and career counselor, I've watched many competent people develop strategies that deal with the wrong obstacle - they deal with the 'apparent' obstacle instead of the real obstacle.

Here are two common examples: Many people wrongly believe missing a 'required' skill or a certain number of years of 'required' experience will prevent them from making an exciting career transition.

So they stay stuck while trying to figure out how to get the right skills and experience.

But that's the wrong solution. Instead, by learning how to 'package and present' themsleves effectively so they stand out - on the resume and in job interviews - and be searching for a job in the most effective ways... they can often make a career transition they didn't think was possible.

What 'obstacles' stop you from changing to a much better job and career? 

Based on my experience helping thousands of New Yorkers, I'll bet they're not as big as you think they are and that there are ways to reduce or eliminate them.

Strategy 5: Have The Right Tools And A Smart Job Search Action Plan

Without the right resume, LinkedIn profile and job search action plan... 

... many people making career transitions drift like a rudderless and never reach their new destination.

An effective resume and LinkedIn profile effectively show potential employers that you can be successful in the new type of job and career you want... even though you've never had that type of position or worked in that industry.

And a smart 'Job Search Action Plan' guides you step-by-step to get from where you are now to transition to your new career faster.

Many people making career changes have resumes that force employers to figure out how the job seeker could be successful in a new role. That just doesn't work... employers won't take the time to figure it out.

Instead, once you know the best job and career options for you, you simply develop a resume that translates your experience and puts you best foot forward.. so potential employers will be excited to talk to you. 

With the right strategies, it's not hard to do.

And with the right job search tools and strategies, it's much easier to win exciting job interviews and make a career transition.

The Sixth Surefire Strategy to Discover Your Best Job & Career Options & Make Your Career Change

Another thing I've learned as a carer coach and couselor helping thousands of professionals...

If all it took to identify the right career and make a career transition is a few assessments, online articles and sample resume book...

... then nearly everyone would know and have their ideal job already.

I know it's vital to...

Strategy 6: Have a Qualified Ally to Help You Identify the Best Job and Career Options for You & Win Exciting Job Offers 

To discover and land the right job and career for you and make your transition, have a qualified partner who can:

  • Identify your best skills and abilities that can be transferred to new jobs and careers... so you don't have to 'start over' or take a big pay cut
  • Point out the best job and career options for you... including ones you never considered or knew existed
  • Eliminate obstacles that keep you from identifying and landing the right new job for you
  • Help you create a powerful and persuasive resume that gets employers to call you
  • Show you the best and research proven job search strategies to get more interviews faster... even though you do not have all of the required skills, experience or education
  • Teach you how to find companies you would want to work for
  • Help you create a strong LinkedIn profile, cover letter and networking letters... to support your success
  • Create a credible explanation to reduce or eliminate any 'gaps' you have... so you can beat out better qualified candidates
  • Learn little known interview strategies... so you stand out and get more job offers for more money
  • Keep you focused, confident and moving forward steadily so you can make your career transition faster

If you can imagine how this support and expertise could help you discover the right new job and career for you and make your transitoin..

... and you don't have a career expert in your inner circle who can help you whenever you need it...

Here's one way you can have an expert ally on your side right now...

See For Yourself How My Career Coaching & Career Counseling Will Help You

I've spent 12 years taking every aspect of what has worked for my clients and I've created a one-of-a-kind career coaching program here in New York City...

... that quickly helps you to discover alternative job and career options for you... and make your career change.

I call the program New Career Breakthrough.

The cornerstone of my coaching program is one-to-one career coaching sessions that you'll have with me personally.

Each of your coaching sessions takes place in my private office near Union Square (NYC) or by telephone/Skype... whichever you prefer.

Sessions are typically last 45 minutes and begin with a quick review of what you want to achieve during that coaching session... so it's productive.

Then I will begin coaching and assisting you, step-by-step, to help you achieve the career success and satisfaction you want.

Before your coaching session ends, we'll create a clear picture of the exact steps you can take after the session... so you can make steady progresss.

What's Your Investment To Discover Alternate Job & Career Options That Best Match You?

I'm committed to offering an affordable career coaching and career counseling solution that gives you all of the expertise and tools you need to identify the right new job and career for you and make your transition.

The fee depends on the number of coaching sessions you choose. Most clients receive ALL of the career coaching and career counseling services they need for the small investment of $380 to $555.

For this investment you can receive:

  • Career coaching sessions (in my NYC office or by telephone/Skype) to help you identify the best job and career for you
  • Supplemental resources and tools (including training videos, scripts and downloadable templates) to support your success
  • Quick Question coaching between counseling sessions - so you don't have to wait until your next coaching session to get the advice and guidance you need to make steady progess

How long you work with me depends on where you are where you want to go. It's always your decision. Most clients need just a couple of counseling sessions... the New Career Breakthrough coaching program is much quicker than many people expect.

I require no contract or commitment of any kind.

Not Sure? Here's How You Can Use My Career Coaching & Career Counseling RISK FREE

I understand if you're unsure...

  • You've probably never used a professional career coach or career counselor before... or maybe you had one and didn't have a good experience
  • Maybe you have doubts about whether hiring me as your career coach will really help you 
  • Or maybe you're thinking you should wait to start

I want take all of the risk away from you... because that's how much I believe I can help you discover the best job and career options for you and help you make your transition.

I want to make the decison to try my career coaching counseling services foolproof for you.

If for any reason you feel you didn't get your money's worth from a coaching session, just let me know and we'll redo that coaching session on that topic for no additional charge until you're satisfied. No hassles, no hard feelings.

This iron clad guarantee is my way of taking any worry off your shoulders about making the decision to try my career counseling.

Free Consultation Offer...

Please Give Yourself This Opportunity To See If My Career Coaching & Career Counseling Services Can Help You Discover The Right New Job & Career For You

I invite you to schedule a free career coaching consultation with me. 

We'll talk for 15 minutes by phone about your career situation and the step-by-step system I've used to help more than 5,000 people in the NYC area to discover the best job and career options for them.

The consultations are by telephone, so they are easy and convenient.

There are three easy ways to arrange a free consultation session.

One way is to take action on your career right now and...

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation... by Clicking on the Blue Circle on My Appointment Calendar Here...

I can also be reached at (646) 413-0020.

Or, if you prefer, you can provide your contact information below and I will follow up shortly by email. 

Free Career Counseling Consultation Request Form

Please Don't Leave My Site Wondering If I Could Help You Have The Career Success & Satisfaction You Want

Go ahead and schedule your free career coaching consultation at no risk whatsoever.

This could be exactly what you need to achieve the career satisfaction and success you want.

To Your Career Success,

Jeff Neil

Jeff Neil, NYC, New York, 10003

Tel: (646) 413-0020

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